Requirement Yogi for Data Center Introduction

Requirement Yogi is targeted at analysts, developers, testers and more generally engineering teams who need requirement traceability. Requirement Yogi helps you manage requirement documents in Atlassian Confluence.
Here are 3 things to remember:
Insert the macro using Alt + Shift + R,
The requirement popup allows you to navigate between dependencies and Jira issue links,
Use the sidebar link to see all requirements on the space and track them.
RY-001 This requirement macro can be inserted with Alt + Shift + R,
RY-002 Subsequent references to a requirement key should be displayed as "Links",
RY-003 When displaying a requirement key, an excerpt of the original requirement should be displayed, with links to the pages,
RY-004 Links should lead to the anchor of the requirement key within the original page.
Confluence is definitely the best place for requirements. After working with analysts and looking closely at their workflow, we noticed they were keen to start their requirement gathering activity with Confluence. It's only later, through iterations and refinement, that they define business rules. To identify those in contracts and testing sessions, they define a unique key for each of them, and that's where Requirement Yogi gives you a competitive advantage.
Ideally you'll want to reference requirement keys everywhere: in your planning meeting and notes, in subsequent contractual amendments, and in every JIRA defect you raise, and you want to see an excerpt and navigate quickly across references. Besides, it's easy enough to link to a page, but Confluence makes it quite annoying to link to a specific place within a page. A bare instance of Confluence doesn't manage requirements elegantly, here's what Requirement Yogi is for.
Elegant copywriting - Insert the macro with Alt + Shift + R
The macro becomes the requirement key,
Requirement Yogi auto-suggests the next key, based on your corporate habits.
The text after the macro is the content of the requirements, also called inline properties. The macro works in tables, lists and paragraphs.

Stay in context - Hover over your requirements to see excerpts
Every requirement becomes a link with its own URL, which you can bookmark and paste on any page,
If you hover the macro, the original text is displayed in a popup,
If your requirement is referenced from several places, you can navigate across those references, and between their versions.

We've watched functional experts walk through Microsoft Word documents and the browsing experience was appalling. They would manage 100-pages long documents, they need to Ctrl + Click to browse to a hyperlink, they can't come back to the previous place, navigating across all references of a requirement takes an insane amount of Ctrl + F and inserting hyperlinks regularly takes between 1 and 4 minutes, depending on whether they remember the section they want to link to.
Should we even compare with Requirement Yogi? Huge documents can be split into small manageable chunks known as "pages", inserting a requirement with the auto-suggesting drop-down takes between 10 and 15s, navigating takes a single click and even the mouse often has a "back" button to come back. With Requirement Yogi, you're out of the document management hell.
Actually, watching bad patterns of requirement management is so thrilling that it's often been exposed in humoristic videos: The Wrong Way to do Requirements.
Search and Export to Excel
Do you need a customer sign-off? You can extract requirements based on a pattern of their key and download them as an Excel worksheet.
Use the link in the left sidebar to see the requirements of the space,
Search by key,
Navigate to the pages where requirements are defined,
You can export requirements to an Excel spreadsheet.
The importance of the Excel export can't be emphasized enough. It's the best junction point between the real world of contracts and hard copies and the fairytale of copywriting in Confluence.