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Use cases

Estimate the cost of a requirement

1.2 * (@Man\ days * 150 + ext@Manufacturing\ Cost)

Here, we see that the result for requirement AA-003 is marked as error because the property @Man days used in the calculation is not a valid number.

Estimate the total cost of a parent requirement

SUM(ext@Cost, child)

Detect when a parent requirement is over budget

SUM(ext@Cost, child@Uses) > @Budget

Detect when parts composing an assembly are too heavy

SUM(@Weight, child@Refineschild@Uses) > @Max\ weight

Here, we see that the result for requirement AA-003 is marked as error because the property @Weight used in the calculation is not a valid number.

Measure the coverage of a requirement

100 * IF(COUNT(child) = 0, 0, COUNT(child@Refines) / COUNT(child))

Screenshot 2024-03-18 at 10.05.54.png

Here, we’ll measure the percentage of BR requirements that have a children with the relationship name Refines.

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