May 2024
May 23rd
Added - Key suggestions
When using the transformation wizard, especially with the rule “Key Generation”.
When you generate requirements, if you delete some of the requirements, the Transformation wizard will still generate requirements from the last created requirement, and not the last one existing.
You can reset key suggestions in the Requirement Yogi tab > Administration > Key Suggestions
See more information here: Generate keys: Add definition macros in bulk | Managing-key-suggestions
Improved -
We improved the key suggestions engine when adding the Requirement Yogi Definition macro.

Before, suggestions were given based on the requirements in the page
Now, you can begin typing requirement keys and we’ll autosuggest the key, from other pages as well.
May 14th 2024
Added - Cleanup Tasks
If you are looking for a way to find requirements with errors, because they are defined on multiple places, or are pointing to deleted requirements in Confluence, or deleted Jira issues, then you can now see them in the Administration > Cleanup Tasks.

Please find the docs for more detailed information: Cleanup Tasks
If you want to see pages where requirements are linked on, you can now see them in the requirement’s detail:
📢 Share your feedback
We still have room for improvements, please share your feedback and insights with our team: