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Key suggestions for Transformation Wizard

Requirements are unique per space, and we use key suggestions to help you number your requirements. When you create REQ-001, we’ll be able to suggest the next following requirement → REQ-002.

Use Cases

  • When using the Transformation Wizard, and rules like the Key Generation:

    • If you generate requirements, then delete some of them, and decide to reuse the key generation rule, we will still generate requirements with the last created key, whereas you might like to start from the last deleted requirement.

How to reset key suggestions NEW

In the Requirement Yogi tab > Administration > Key Suggestions

Key Suggestion.png

See the list of requirements already created in the space, an example with the current value for the numbering.

  • For SYRS- requirements, you can see that the next requirement to be created with this key will be SYRS-10

  • If you want to set a specific value for the next suggestion, click on the current value.

  • If you want to reset the key suggestion to zero, click on ‘Reset’

  • If you want to delete a key suggestion, click on ‘Delete’

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