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Requirement Yogi can integrate with pretty much every other apps that you have on the Cloud.

Integrate with Jira

If you simply want to integrate with Jira and link your requirements to issues, try Requirement Yogi for Jira and read the documentation: Requirement Yogi for Jira

Integrate with other apps

Apps in Confluence

We analyze the ADF provided by Atlassian to index requirements.
For other macros, we should be able to read and index them when their data can be recovered from the ADF. However, some vendors use IDs or specific data that we cannot index:

  • If their APIs are open, we have to reach out to the vendor to get the correct data to index.

  • If their APIs are closed, then there is nothing much we can do.

  • If you are seing some odd behavior using other macros, please reach out on the support and we’ll see what we can do.

Custom integrations already available



Xray Test Management for Jira

(tick) Link Jira issues and display some custom fields in the Traceability matrix → Xray Test Management for Jira

Zephyr Test Management

(tick) Link Jira issues to Zephyr objects, and display their fields → Zephyr Scale for Jira

Scroll Documents

(tick) Import scroll documents as Variants

Table filters macros


💡 Looking for a specific integration that we don’t support? Tell us a bit more in the support!

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